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Shraddha Foundation
Odia Poetry
Important Links

Important Academic and Cultural Links: The following sites bring important resources to our children in science, mathematics, literature and art.

Science and Mathematics:

nature-video lindau collection : Here you can listen to the Nobel Laureates talking to young students: Physics-2008, Chemistry-2009, Cross-discipline-2010, Physiology and Medicine-2011, Physics-2012

Scale of the Universe : This wonderful interactive program will take you from the Planck-scale to the universe.

AMC, AIME, USAMO : Great math resources for math competitions.

Art of Problem Solving : A wonderful site for learning middle and high school mathematics at a higher level.

Khan Academy : A site that is teaching science, mathematics, computer science, finance and a whole lot to the whole world.

PhET Interactive Simulations : Watch simulations in physics, chemistry and biology at the University of Colorado.

Science on Saturday at the Princeton Plasma Lab : Watch video lectures for high school students by noted professors on the frontiers of research.

MIT OpenCourseware : Learn through MIT's OpenCourseware- the pioneering program in free world-wide learning.

edX : Learn specific courses directly from MIT, Harvard, Berkeley and other top institutions without any expense.

Coursera : Learn specific courses directly from Stanford, Caltech, Princeton, UPenn, UMich, John Hopkins and other top institutions without any expense.


Scitable by Nature Education : A wonderful site to learn essentials of cell biolgy, genetics and topics of modern biology.


MIT Chemistry Bootcamp : A trailer for the ChemLab Boot Camp series that follows 14 MIT freshmen as they as they face the challenges of learning chemistry the MIT way.

Chemical Demonstrations : Excellent demonstrations and explanations of chemical reactions at MIT.

The Chemical Education Digital Library : At this National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored site you can learn about each element with data, video and crystal structure; investigate molecular structure and chemical bonding with 3D atomic models; and learn chemistry concepts in a new and flexible way.

Awesome Chemistry GIFs : Just enjoy.

The World of Chemistry : Beautiful videos by the University of Maryland.

Periodic Table : Another clickable periodic table.

The World of Chemistry


The Universe in a Nutshell : Watch a fabulous talk for high school students by Prof. Michio Kaku from CUNY.

The Future of Fundamental Physics : Listen to the series of Cornell lectures by Nima Arkani-Hamed, one of the greatest minds of physics. More appropriate for undergraduate and higher level science students.

For The Love of Physics : Watch Prof. Lewin from MIT.

American Physical Society : Learn physics and stay in touch with the physics world.

PhET Interactive Simulations

The Mechanical Universe


Elements of Style : The tiny giant classic by Strunk and White to improve writing in English.

Learn English from BBC

Purdue Online Writing Lab : Resources for grammar and creative writing. If you are planning to take GRE and apply to the US universities, this place helps you in preparing Graduate School Application.

University of Otawa - Writing Center : Resources for grammar and creative writing.


The South Asian Literary Recording Project. : Listen to audio recordings of Manoj Das and other Odiya and Asian authors at the Library of Congress.


Sanjukta Panigrahi - Mukhari Pallavi 1/2 : Watch a rare video footage of Sanjukta Panigrahi.

Sanjukta Panigrahi - Mukhari Pallavi 2/2 : Part2

Incredible India-Odissi-Mangalacharan : Watch an exquisite piece by Sujata Mohapatra

Rageshree Pallavi : A beautiful piece for our students. Choreography: Guru Gangadhar Pradhan, Music: Ramhari Das, Dancers: Aruna Mohanty, Janhabi Behera, Lipsha Das, Arupa Panda.

Introduction to Odissi : An excellent place to learn the Odissi Mudras from Smt. Daksha Mashruwala and her students of Kaishiki Nrityabhasha.

Dance Performance : Excerpts of Odissi performance by Smt. Daksha Mashruwala and her students of Kaishiki Nrityabhasha.

Chhayant Pallavi at Bhavan, London : Raga: Chhayanat - Tala: Triputa - Choreography: Smt. Madhavi Mudhgal - Music: Sri. Madhup Mudgal - Dancers: Khavita Kaur & Katie Ryan


Lectures on Bhagabat Gita and Upanishads : Here you can listen to the lectures on Gita and Upanishads for teenagers by Swami Tadatmananda. The audio lectures have accompanying pdf slides of slokas in Sanskrit and English as well as English translation.

Vishnusahashranama at Astrojyoti : Here you can listen to Vishnusahashranama and different suktas in mp3.

JagannathaSuprabhatam : Listen to Jagannatha Suprabhatam by Pandit Raghunath Panigrahi.

Swami Vivekananda : Listen to Swami Vivekananda's 1893 Chicago Lecture.

Srimad Bhagabata : Listen to Odiya Bhagabata from Namita Agarwal.